Wednesday, March 11, 2009

An Image for Today - Wednesday

A walk through the Park...

Image by: Tracy 

Tracy is a new photographer that I stumbled upon recently.  I hope you enjoy her straight forward images that she capture of life just as much as I do!  

I have some great news!  I twittered about my meeting with the boss people on Monday and it went really well!  I am starting to work in another lab soon!  They have a backlog of experiments that need done because of some international travel issues and medical leaves and asked if I could help out.  

Heck yeah I'll help out!  Its a great chance to meet other scientists, show off my skills and do some really interesting science!  So wish me luck while I knock the socks off of these new people with my amazing lab skills!  I'll let you all know how it goes after I start there in a few days!

Have a great night everyone!

1 comment:

jessica lynn said...

congrats!!! hope that the new position works out for you!