Monday, May 18, 2009

Niko the Nikon Goes to the Zoo

This weekend was very exciting!!  I mentioned for my birthday a few weeks ago that all I put on my wish list was this camera.  I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get it, but I asked everyone to skip the gifts this year in lieu of cash.  I felt bad asking for money for my birthday, but I knew the only way that I was going to be able to get my camera was to pool all of my gifts from Christmas last year and my birthday until I had enough saved up!

Well let me introduce you to...
Niko the Nikon!

New Camera!
{Please forgive the backwards picture.  I took this one with photobooth on my Mac}

Friday Night - Husband and I went to the bank after work and headed downtown to the camera store to take a look. The store was closed. I was bummed. Husband suggested that we stop by Best Buy on the way home just to hold look at it until Saturday when the store was open.  Well we learned a pretty good lesson.

When you know your stuff and have done your research you can haggle prices with Best Buy!

Do you all know that and I'm just behind the times?  Because I was shocked when they said how much they would knock off the top!  And then we talked them into throwing in a few additional things too!  So I was only expecting to get the camera body and use my old lenses, but I walked away with a brand new lens and a large memory card!  I was all smiles, like a 5 year old with ice cream, Mickey Mouse, and a balloon!

Saturday - We had plans to meet a couple at the zoo and the gardens.  What perfect timing to buy a new shiny camera!  Here's a few pictures courtesy of Niko...

For a better look check out the site...

After the zoo we had a wonderful lunch {} and some great conversation.  It was great to be able to spend the day with both of them.  He will no doubt be busy busy when he starts residency next month!  Congratulations Doctor!

I spent the rest of the weekend taking pictures, processing pictures, and trying to remember what all of the 5 million buttons on Niko can do!  There are so many things to learn!


Sara said...

That's so exciting! Congratulations on the new toy!

Tina said...

Congrats on your new toy! I just hit Best Buy this weekend and got an amazing deal on a HP Pavilion notebook. I just love that store!!

Whitney said...

So fun! I love that camera!